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Welcome to PestPro Magazine online and Urban Entomology at the University of Florida. The main goal for PestPro Magazine is to provide new and current technical information from our laboratories at the University of Florida. Research not shared with the pest management industry often gets put on the shelf and forgotten. PestPro is a great tool for us to communicate those research-based results to the pest management industry.
PestPro Magazine is mailed to 12,000 pest management professionals in Florida and elsewhere. We expect that PestPro Magazine online will reach thousands more throughout the world. Urban pest management in Florida is an extremely important industry, with about one-third of pest control in the U.S. done in our state.
When the original publishers of PestPro Magazine decided to stop producing the publication, we were concerned that our conduit of technical information from our laboratories to the industry would no longer exist. Therefore, we decided to take on the task of continuing the magazine directly from our laboratories. Despite the fact that we are researchers and educators rather than publishers, we felt the need to ensure the research we are conducting can be used by the pest management industry.
We are all glad to be a part of the continuation of PestPro Magazine. PestPro has been published for 19 years, and we hope to continue it for many more years.